Thursday, 9 August 2012

Sorry, if I've not made any updates for couple of days . I know you all miss news about Sam. .... 
As you all know,  there are floods in Manila and the situation has been bad. I´m safe far a way from the Philippines, but the floods are the only thing I´ve been able to think. I can say, that during the last two years, Filipinos have become an important part of my life. There are lot of friends I´ve met via Twitter. Also Sam lives there. All my thoughts are with them,. Also thinking about the victims of the floods and the volunteers, who risk their lives for helping the others. I´ve seen lots of touching picturesI've followed the situation from the news and via Twitter. As I know, Sam has been a volunteer somewhere in  Marikina . I´ll pray for him and all the people living in Manila and surrounding areas.  Be safe. 

It´s so little I can do, but here are some links, I found:

A  list of major evacuation centers across the Metro Manila, as well as relief operations that have already started:,-relief-operations-in-metro-manila

Emergency info

For donations, please visit

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