Sunday, 15 July 2012

Some Tweets & pictures of Sam Milby @ ASAP and Sarah G Live on Sunday, July 15, 2012

Here are some pictures of Sam Milby at ASAP and Sarah G Live .

RT @olivezarate ‪#Asapperfectpicture‬ of @samuelmilby

RT @Cornerstone_TMC Ready na si @samuelmilby para sa Sarah G Live mamaya. Co host for the 3rd time!

RT @OfficialJojJai @jyramay and @jojagpangan With Mr. Sam Milby  ♥
RT @olivezarate @yengpluggedin @robertmarion @samuelmilby at Asap Chillout

RT @olivezarate @samuelmilby and @yengpluggedin singing "Always Be MY Baby"

RT @olivezarate @samuelmilby ‪#Asapperfectpicture‬

RT @olivezarate ‪#Asapperfectpicture‬ @samuelmilby and @jerichorosales

RT @olivezarate ‪#Asapperfectpicture‬ @asapofficial

RT @ASAPOFFICIAL SamTiners!!! Sam & Toni being cute wearing twin jackets during rehearsals! Love! ‪#ASAPPicturePerfect‬

RT @olivezarate @Asapofficial Salutes Tito Dolphy

RT @Cornerstone_TMC @samuelmilby on stage na with Sarah G!!! Tutok na! Now na!

Special thanks and credits to owners, Olivia Zarate and Cornerstone Talent Management Center

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