Wednesday, 16 May 2012


By Don Tagala, ABS-CBN North America Bureau
May 14, 2012
NEW YORK CITY – Sam Milby is going back home to the Philippines tomorrow — after months of almost non-stop auditions on U.S. TV show pilots.
He will be acting in a new soap opera and possibly a movie while he’s in the Philippines—as well as record a new album.
But he said, that doesn’t mean he’s giving up his Hollywood dream.
Milby said, “There were a lot of good things that happened to me while I was here. When I come back here, I will be better prepared.”
Milby said his experience in New York boosted his confidence as an actor and got his foot in the door —
Good enough reasons, he said, for him to come back and try his luck again next casting season.
He said, “All the casting directors are really noticing me, liking me, and that’s a big thing.”
ABC Entertainment Executive Director for Primetime Casting, Marci Phillips said auditioning is the first step. Building relationships with casting directors is next.
Phillips said, “Making somebody into a huge TV star takes a while. But everybody that meets him and everybody that auditions him love him. The building blocks are all there; so we’re very excited about him.”
Phillips said she is not worried about Milby leaving New York for a few months to take care of business back home.
Philips said, “Whenever he’s comfortable coming back, the sooner the better for us because we want to get him in on everything.”

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