Sunday, 11 March 2012

Sam Milby pics during his interview for the "1st Look" show, April 14, 2012

Peer pressured into eating balut -

photo credits to Ritz Brinas

7 years in the philippines never had balut. Come to NYC and eat my first full balut. Fetus and all...

photo credits to Ritz Brinas
@samuelmilby eating balut #Maharlika

photo credits to Ritz Brinas
RT @ritzbrinas: Here's a picture of @samuelmilby and NBC Bachelorette 2010 @alifedotowsky

Photo credits to: 
@AliFedotowsky here's your photo with @samuelmilby so nice to meet you earlier at Maharlika

Maharlika just created a Sam Milby drink called Sam Milby Swizzle. So cool. Check it out guys 

Maharlika is on 1st Ave (6th/7th). They have good food, great hosts & most importantly the only place to order Sam Milby Swizzle

Sam Milby ‏ @samuelmilby 
Now i know where to go to get my bangus while im here in NYC - Maharlika  malapit lang sa akin

Thats for sure! RT @KwanaWrites: @ritzbrinas Swizzle and a bachelorette? That @samuelmilby is quite the man about town I'd say.

Fun meeting you @samuelmilby! Send me the pic your friend took! And make sure to watch @lxtv1stlook on April 14th to see our interview 


So, Sam Milby will be some of her first guest on that Emmy award winning show! Here´s more about the show

Ali Fedotowsky Is the New Host of “1st Look”

..... "The first episode of 1st Look featuring Fedotowsky as host will premiere on April 14 after Saturday Night Live on the 10 NBC-owned television stations across the country, which include WNBC (New York), KNBC (Los Angeles), WMAQ (Chicago), WCAU (Philadelphia), KXAS (Dallas-Fort Worth), KNTV (San Francisco Bay Area), WRC (Washington, D.C.), WTVJ (Miami), KNSD (San Diego) and WVIT (Connecticut). Viewers should check local listings for air times. Show segments will also appear on, as well as on NBC Owned Stations’ digital out-of-home properties, such as taxi cabs. Viewers can also get show updates via Facebook at and Twitter @lxtv1stLook. "

Read more:

Have to say, Sam have great supporters in NYC! 

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