Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Marie Digby considers Filipinos her ideal audience

ONLY ON OMG! - Marie Digby considers Filipinos her ideal audience

Other people may know her more as Sam Milby’s ex-girlfriend and James Yap’s rumored flame, but little is known about Marie (pronounced Mar-yey) Digby’s battle to please the Filipino audience.

A year before she went to the Philippines for her first concert in 2009, Marie was already “begging and bugging” her American record producer to include the Philippines in her Southeast Asian tour to promote her first album.

“My record producer said it (bringing her to the Philippines) is complicated. It cost money to promote my album here.  So I went to Singapore and Malaysia instead.”

It didn’t take long before Marie proved herself right and her producer wrong.

Strong fan base

Hollywood Records, which released a studio recording of Marie’s cover of “Umbrella,” did a study about her fan base and was surprised at what they saw.

“Makati was number one; Los Angeles number two; San Francisco number three and New York, number four,” said Manolo Rosales,  one of Marie’s managers.

And Marie can’t help but tell the guys at Hollywood Records, “That’s what I’ve been telling you!”

Comments from Filipino fans pointed to one direction: they wanted Marie to come over.

Marie attributes it to two reasons:

“Filipinos are really connected to the Internet, so when YouTube was taking off, a lot of people were watching.  And Filipinos love music. Everyone sings around here.”

Marie, half-Irish and half-Japanese though she may be, has found her ideal audience in appreciative Pinoys, inside and outside the country.  So Marie herself chose the songs in her third MCA Music album, “Your Love,” because she believes these are the ones that will make her Filipino fans happy.

“I sat down and thought about what fans would like to hear from me,” says Marie. 

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