Saturday, 28 May 2011

Sam Milby breaks from mainstream

May 28, 2011, 8:00am

Picture ABS CBN Credits to owner
Just a thought: The best way to start a new day is to clean up our hearts, with no hatred or any shadow of loneliness.
MANILA, Philippines -- Thirld World Happy: It helps that the indie film, “Third World Happy,” has mainstream artists in top billing.
The presence of Sam Milby and Jodi Sta. Maria has much to do with the picture’s landing a commercial run at select SM cinemas, 10 in all, nationwide, from May 25 to 31.
No offense meant to other indie film outputs, many of them have unknowns in the primary cast that producers face difficulty in marketing them. I am of the opinion that films should be produced independently by creative artists, but while raising the standards of film appreciation in this country, they should be carried by established – familiar, if not popular – names in the industry.
Even then, they must bear in mind that an indie film top billed by big-name stars is no guarantee that it will have smooth sailing at the box office.
Sam-thing good: Something good has been happening to Sam Milby’s career.
He has steadily positioned himself in a niche that defines versatility and open-ness to try new avenues for growth. Sam’s acceptance of “Third World Happy,” a film about artists trying to chase their dreams in the pursuit of happiness, speaks of his desire to grow and evolve as a serious actor.
True enough, commented on his performance: “Milby doesn’t bare his abs but gets to effectively bare the angst of his character.”
“Third World Happy” was one of six films produced by Cinema One Originals in 2010. Written and directed by EJ Salcedo, it tells the story of a balikbayan (Milby), who comes home to bury a loved one while appraising the progress of his pursuit to become a painter.
In a couple of weeks, Sam Milby flips the other side of the coin doing what he normally does in the mainstream, starring in another romantic comedy, this time with KC Concepcion in “Forever and A Day.”

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