Sunday, 24 October 2010

Sunday evening

I´m so happy. I could sing. I´ve met some new people through Twitter, thanks to Jeff, who is so kind. They are all very nice. Filipinos are warm, open-minded and hospitale. I learned it during these months. The common thing, why we start write to each other is, that we all love Sam. He´s the one, who is behind all this, that I´m here,  that I´m writing this blog, but he doesn´t know that. . There is so much people, who loves him. He have lot of fans, and it´s not surprise. He is kindhearted, handsome and very talented. He can sing, act, dance, play guitar and piano. And that´s not all. I think he can do anything. Se´s so incredible.

It all starts here. Impostor was the first tv-serie, witch I´ve seen, starring Maja Salvador and Sam Milby. There was also Melai Cantiveros and Jason Fransisco, who were also both great, in their first TV-serie after real-TV. It was script by Martha Cecilia. I watched all episodes and I was crying, when it ends. Sam was very manly and I almost fainted, when he kissed with Maja. He is truly The Prince of Romance. And Maja, so beautiful, so talent. I just love them both. So beautiful couple.

There was a lot of plot twists, excitemen and romance, but also humor time to time. Devin (Melai/Maja)  was an Impostor, who had changed her face after accident. She believed, that Mariz (also Maja) has died, so she presented as Mariz, Anthonys wife, to escape killers, who were after her.

Devin was a poor girl from fishing village. Now she was forced to live in a magnificent house as Anthonys wife. She fellt in love to Anthony, who was first so cold to her, cause real Mariz had betrayed him.  But Anthony, who though that Devin was real Mariz,  fell in love to her (again, as he though). Over time the truth was revealed to him, but he forgave to Devin. They loved each other. Just then, when everything was well, real Mariz returned and moved back to home....... The story had a happy ending. At last they got each other - I mean Anthony and Devin. Mariz were killed.

While watching Impostor, my emotions changes from weeping into joy. I was hooked. And I´m still hooked - to Sam. :)

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