Sunday, 24 October 2010

The first blog, How it all began

I start to watch Pinoy Big Borther Double Up and finally ASAP, where my attention caught to Sam Milby. I fell in love instantly. Since then I have followed his career. He´s so gorgeous.

His first TV serie, which I saw was Impostor. Now I have watched almost all his TV-series and movies, I have found. My favorite is "And I love you so" with Bea Alonzo. Also "Babe I love You" with Anne Curtis and "You are The One" with Toni Gonzaga, are my favorites. I love romance and music. In Sam's films, these combines a brilliant way. I can only say that Sam Milby is awesome.

Now I have wrote with people, who lives in other side of the word. They all are Sam Milby fans, like me. They can follow Sams career much closer than I, so it´s great to write with them and discuss about Sam. Internet is a great invention. It allows you and me to connect with each other.

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