Thursday, 14 June 2012

"Cecilia T. Capers: A Superstar and a Gentleman: Filipino-American Actor Sam Milby Pursues Greater Fame"


Photos courtesy of Ritz Brinas.

"Cecilia T. Capers: A Superstar and a Gentleman: Filipino-American Actor Sam Milby Pursues Greater Fame"

"Four months ago, Filipino-American actor Samuel "Sam" Milby arrived in New York City without press, paparazzi, or adoring fans following him through the airline terminal. This seemed a bit odd, almost surreal for the 28-year-old actor who is the equivalent of Brad Pitt to millions of adoring fans spread across mostly Asian-American and Asian regions from Manhattan to Manila. To most Americans, the name Sam Milby does not elicit a skin-tingling response but the young actor has a loyal English-speaking fan base. He carries his American passport and his Filipino heritage with pride as he comes back to his homeland seeking success as a Hollywood actor... "

Please read the full story of this great interview of  Sam Milby from  here, and please, don´t forget to re-tweet the  interview and Like it on Facebook :

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